The Abandon Wars

Sunday, July 23, 2006

I had such high hopes for today, I had two major tasks to complete before I could begin working on Space Crusade gameplay. Frustratingly though I didn't manage to finish either of them. The first task was to polish up skinning - which is basically done - and the second is to finally implement object picking - which depends on a lot of data done in the skinning setup.

I'm left with three issues before I can sign off object skinning. The biggest (but least import) is to get it working on the NVidia GeForce 7. A secondary concern is that all my matricies are at the wrong angle. The screen shot below shows the three bones in the mesh (the wireframe) and the solid object oriented correctly. I'm really hoping this isn't a major error and just a glitch in my matrix transforms.

The last and most annoying issue is that every vertex references matricies 0 through 2 (giving a total of three as shown below) but somehow when the object gets drawn a fourth matrix is used which looks completely stuffed up! If I set the fourth world matrix to be the same as one of the first three it looks fine however as I have quite strict checks to make sure that vertex matrix indicies don't go out of bound I don't know how this can happen(?).

Whilst I didn't get a chance to look at object picking at all; there is a bit of good news in that Dave has offered to draw the space marines for me (Yay! thanks Dave) which will free me up from trying to model.

On a remakes note: I was browsing through the remakes forum (yeah I should have been working but I didn't feel like it;) and the competition looks pretty good (ie: bad for me) which is cool.

To remind myself that there will be an end; and that it can't all be problems I dug up IOx, our 2003 entry which had plenty of issues of it's own but still managed to make it into the competition (by about one minute ;)

As the Space Crusade engine is still somewhat using the old IOx engine (although much more stable and user friendly) I thought I'd post a screen shot of it, just for nostalgias sake.

And that's it for now so...



  • Hmmm, where are you doing the skinning exactly? on the CPU or the GPU?

    And for those that want to download and play IOX there is a version here:

    By Blogger Justin Paver, at 9:36 am  

  • And on another note, you still have the link to FlintZA's blog and my blog mixed up.

    You silly noonoo poopoo head.

    By Blogger Justin Paver, at 9:38 am  

  • On the GPU using the fixed function pipeline setting the Direct3D render state: D3DRS_INDEXEDVERTEXBLENDENABLE. Which doesn't work on NVidia cards. My ATI card reports that it can handle up to 37 indexed matricies... and does.

    Whoops, gotta get some work done...

    By Blogger Andrew, at 10:11 am  

  • As it turns out my bone matricies are just wrong (ie: upside and on their sides) I'm not sure why yet byt it's not simple transform problem. Damnit!

    Also I'll switch my links around so you're on top, just to make you feel better ;)

    By Blogger Andrew, at 12:29 pm  

  • Wow, looking back on this post my hopes were a bit premature.

    I've only now (November 2008) got skinning working and picking *almost* working.

    Also Dave still hasn't modeled me a Space Marine. No more Yay! for you Dave.

    By Blogger Andrew, at 4:31 pm  

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