The Abandon Wars

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

I've had enough of programming for a bit so I've done some modelling. It's only an hour's work but it does show the beginnings of the level walls. More importantly I've thought of quite a cool way to generate all the walls and floors in a level.

Here's a view down one of the corridors:

On the programming side I've gone on a C++ preprocessor writing spree. It's something I've been meaning to do for a long time and now I finally have an excuse too. It's related to reading and parsing C++ files so I can teach Ruby to recognise the classes I want. I know this is almost exactly what SWIG does but... I'm having fun and it gives me a chance to use the C++ parser I wrote some time ago ;)

That's it for this post, lots of work done but nothing spiffy to show for it ;)



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