Another day, another post; my posting is, of course, the metric by which time should be measured. Inconstant periodics aside, I'm still working on my C++ parser.
I realised that the parser was being far too intelligent so I've been taking stuff away and cutting back on it's cleverness. The goal behind this pruning is too stop the parser failing quite so easily. I am now more likely to get a token tree by the end of the parse (even if it is badly formed) than just emptiness.
However as dealing with syntax errors is basically boring (and doesn't make for good screenshots) I've posted a screen shot of the Pillar of Autumn instead.
It has nothing to do with Space Crusade or C++ parsing but whilst I'm waiting for Halo 3 I have to get my fixes in small doses however i can ;)
Back on the programming side I've written one of the worlds more efficient find and replace routines. I don't know why I felt the urge to do it but it was fun - which is good enough for me :)
And that's enough rambling for one evening. So...
I realised that the parser was being far too intelligent so I've been taking stuff away and cutting back on it's cleverness. The goal behind this pruning is too stop the parser failing quite so easily. I am now more likely to get a token tree by the end of the parse (even if it is badly formed) than just emptiness.
However as dealing with syntax errors is basically boring (and doesn't make for good screenshots) I've posted a screen shot of the Pillar of Autumn instead.
It has nothing to do with Space Crusade or C++ parsing but whilst I'm waiting for Halo 3 I have to get my fixes in small doses however i can ;)
Back on the programming side I've written one of the worlds more efficient find and replace routines. I don't know why I felt the urge to do it but it was fun - which is good enough for me :)
And that's enough rambling for one evening. So...
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