The Abandon Wars

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

I'm done with most of the rigging, which brings me to a close on the art front (Yay!). All that's left to rig is the green alien and the white alien. When that's done - tomorrow? - I can get back into programmy world.

Below are two mock-ups of the rigged models. What's happening in them I can't say. Why are they throwing their comrade into the cracks of doom? Was it a tragic skipping accident - all but avoidable if they'd just taken the proper precautions? We'll probably never know.

This next screenie is going to be the briefing/mission select room. Hopefully with less lounging around next time ;)

I've also done a bit of works on my object database. Durable file writing in transactions actually work now. Not nearly as interesting as the above but ...

Anyway, that's enough of that.



  • Ha, cool stuff dude! Looking forward to your next update :)

    By Blogger Justin Paver, at 7:31 am  

  • Urk... that may be a while in coming as I've run into a small technical issue with the Green Alien - thanks to it's 4 arms.

    I'll try give it a right seeing too though ;)

    By Blogger Andrew, at 1:57 pm  

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