The Abandon Wars

Thursday, May 08, 2008

Finally done with the art. The green alien took alot longer to setup than I'd expected :(. I didn't mean to post this but he now gets his own thank-god-I'm-finally-done post in celebration.

And that is that!



  • Yay. I'd love to see some in-engine shots of this.

    On a wildly off-topic diversion: what IDE are you using? If it's Visual Studio 2005, how on earth did you get your "User types" to be highlighted in white? I cannot for the life of me get that feature to work.

    By Blogger Justin Paver, at 6:01 am  

  • They are technically in engine shots, just not ingame :s

    I'm not releasing anything till I fix the skinning hack and the broken textures. So very broken *sniff*.

    But that should be fairly soon provided I don't run off on any more excursions.

    I think to set colours it's just tools -> Environment -> Fonts and Colours...

    By Blogger Andrew, at 9:25 pm  

  • That monster is freaking awesome.

    I wish the creatures in Derelict were half that good ;)

    By Blogger Erik Hogan, at 9:23 am  

  • All the artsy stuff is going to be released Copyright Copyleft. I just haven't decided what license to use (probably Free Art License 1.3).

    If you'd like to use them I can hurry that decision up a bit.

    By Blogger Andrew, at 9:53 am  

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